About Active Advantage
Active Advantage is a premium membership program of the website www.active.com, offering exclusive deals and discounts on races, training plans, events, gear, travel, and so much more for your active lifestyle. With Active Advantage premier membership, thousands of people enjoy discounts on things they love and want to do. Some of their membership benefits include free member gifts, discounted running shoes, free races, access to free training plans, and gear-up & travel discounts. Customers love using Active Advantage promo codes and coupons while joining their membership service at a low.
Active Advantage offers service benefits in the following main categories:
- Travel
- Gear
- Endurance
- Outdoors
- Family
Active Advantage members enjoy discounts on:
- Running
- Biking
- Swimming
- Camping
- Hiking
- Fishing
- Hunting
- Family Fitness Events
- Hotels
- Car Rentals
- Cruises & more
How to Save at Active Advantage
Active Advantage Coupon Codes
Active Advantage offers many promos and coupon codes which help hundreds and thousands of customers to join Active Advantage for less and enjoy several member-only deals and discounts. Use one of the best Active Advantage coupons today and fuel your passions at a low.
Return and Shipping Policy
Due to the nature of their membership service, shipping is not valid. However, if you are not 100% happy with the membership, you can contact their customer service team at the number listed below to cancel your service anytime and get a refund.
Customer Service
To contact their customer care staff, you can send an email to ActiveAdvantage@active.com or call at 866-561-0647 between the hours of 9am and 7pm, Monday through Friday.