About Canada Pet Care
Founded in 2010, Canada Pet Care is one of the leading and trusted pet supplies stores over the web. The company offers a wide range of genuine, brand name pet products at discounted prices. At Canada Pet Care, you’ll find high-quality pet supplies in wide-ranging categories: behavioral, flea & tick control, heartwormers, joint care, wound repair, eye & ear, skin & coat, teeth, anxiety, digestion, redwormers, tapewormers, bots, skincare, pet supplements, and more. Most of the products are shipped on the same day and carry a money back guarantee. On top of that Canada Pet Care provides a great selection of coupons and discount codes that you can use to save extra money as well. Checkout CatchPromos to find some Canada Pet Care promo codes to avail their promotions or Canada Pet Care coupons to enjoy discounts on their products.
Canada Pet Care is the leading pet supplies retailer, featuring famous brands like Frontline, Advantage, NexGard, and plenty more. The company offers a wide selection of pet products and accessories in the following categories:
- Dogs
- Cats
- Bird
- Horse
- Supplements
How to Save at Canada Pet Care
Canada Pet Care Coupon Codes
Almost always, Canada Pet Care offers discounts and promotions via Canada Pet Care coupons or discount codes. CatchPromos is a site that lets you access all the latest and verified Canada Pet Care coupon codes at a single place. Choose the best Canada Pet Care coupon today and save big.
Canada Pet Care Offers
Check out the “offers” section on their site to find out amazing Canada Pet Care sales, Canada Pet Care discount offers, and Canada Pet Care seasonal sales on a wide selection of cat supplies, dog supplies, and horse supplies.
Canada Pet Care Auto-Reorder
Auto-Reorder Program is a great way to take advantage of extra discounts. You can select auto reorder while placing your order and set the frequency to get your pet products before the current supplies run out. Canada Pet Care will give you 5% extra discount along with free shipping when you subscribe to auto order at the checkout. And you’ll get an additional 10% discount on your next auto-order.
Canada Pet Care Email Newsletter
Subscribe to Canada Pet Care newsletter to get emails informing you about pet tips as well as exclusive discounts which may include Canada Pet Care promo codes, Canada Pet Care discount codes, Canada Pet Care coupons, Canada Pet Care sales, and more.
Return and Shipping Policy
Canada Pet Care does not charge any shipping fee and customers enjoy FREE shipping on all orders. Also, all orders can be returned for a refund by contacting their customer service department within 7 days, via email. Moreover, if your order didn’t arrive in 21 business day, Canada Pet Care will offer you a full refund of the purchase or reship the order.
Customer Service
You can contact a Canada Pet Care customer service representative by sending an email to customerservice@CanadaPetCare.com or calling toll free at 1-800-982-1308 between 9am-6pm, CST, Monday through Saturday. Also, you can reach them via toll-free fax: 1-800-982-1348.