About Candlewood Suites
Candlewood Suites Hotels by IHG is your one-stop destination to book a more casual type of long-term stay. If you are a rate-sensitive business traveler planning a great vacation, it’s your best chance to use Candlewood Suites promo code and book an extended-stay hotel with spacious living rooms, generous workspace, large desk space, and free high-speed internet so you can do your important tasks or kick back and enjoy your vacation when the work is done. Some other amenities offered by Candlewood Suites include fully equipped kitchen, outdoor gazebo grill, free guest laundry, fully equipped gym, and not to mention, Candlewood cupboard to help you stock up on a range of snacks, beverages, frozen entrees, breakfast, lunch and dinner items, and more, any time of the day or night. So, grab a Candlewood Suites coupon code and book a spacious suite to relax wherever and whenever you go for less. CatchPromos provides all the latest and verified Candlewood Suites coupons & discount codes one could possibly need. Every time you want to save money on your trip, you can browse our page to catch the most recent Candlewood discount code for your next vacation plan.
Candlewood Suites specializes in online travel bookings for relatively longer stays. To make your experience one of a kind, Candlewood Suites offers spacious living rooms along with amazing amenities, ranging from free wifi to fully equipped gym to outdoor gazebo grill and plenty more. Below is a list of their popular destinations:
- Los Angeles Area Extended Stay Hotels
- Atlanta Extended Stay Hotels
- Denver Extended Stay Hotels
- Austin Extended Stay Hotels
- Detroit Extended Stay Hotels
- Pittsburg Extended Stay Hotels
- Madison Extended Stay Hotels
- San Jose Extended Stay Hotels
- Norfolk Long Term Stay Hotels
- San Diego Extended Stay Hotels
How to Save at Candlewood Suites
Candlewood Suites Promo Codes
Traveling for extended periods? Get the best savings by grabbing a valid Candlewood Suites promo code 2024 on us. We publish all the best and handpicked Candlewood Suites discount codes & coupons so you can make your reservation through us.
Candlewood Suites Offers
When you get away, make sure your budget doesn’t get away from you by taking advantage of exclusive Candlewood Suites special offers that range from hotel offers to hotel packages and discount programs that include government/military rate, senior discount, club intercontinental rate, entertainment card, AAA/CAA rate, reward nights, and best available rate.
Cancellation and Refund Policy
Hotels carry a variety of cancellation deadlines. A typical cancellation deadline, for most hotels, would be the day prior to arrival. However, keep in mind that sometimes the cancellation deadline can be further in advance based on special events and other demographic factors. Also, some rates may have different cancellation policies; check the cancellation policy on the rate selected for details. If you require additional assistance, you may contact the hotel directly for more details.
Customer Service
Click the “Need Help?” to type your questions and get help from a virtual assistant. If you want to speak to live chat agent, type in the live chat so the virtual assistant can connect you with a live representative. Further, you can also speak directly to the Candlewood Suites customer service team by calling at 1-855-914-1700.