About Cigars International
Founded in 1996, Cigars International is the industry-leading online retailer for all things cigars, providing the very best in variety, quality, price, and service. The company offers cigars from mellow to medium to full-bodied, as well as humidifiers, flavored samplers, humidor combos, hygrometers, cutters, lighters, ashtrays, and other accessories – all at the great everyday prices. Plus, Cigars International comes up with many crazy cigars deals, free shipping offers, and Cigars International promo codes or Cigars International coupon codes that help the shoppers spend less and save more on their purchases.
Cigars International is the most prominent, biggest cigar retailer in the world, offering a great selection of products at the lowest prices. The top product categories include:
- Cigars
- Samplers
- Humidors
- Accessories
At Cigars International, you can choose from hundreds of thousands of premium cigars from the brands you love and enjoy, such as:
- Cohiba
- Montecristo
- Rocky Patel
- ACID Cigars
- 5 Vegas Cigars
- Arturo Fuente
- Gran Habano
- AVO Cigars
- Gurkha
- Punch Cigars
- H. Upmann Cigars
- CAO Cigars
How to Save at Cigars International
Cigars International Coupon Codes
Cigars International offers various promos or coupon codes as an additional money-saving benefit for the loyal customers. Use one of the best and verified Cigars International coupons from CatchPromos, and buy the cigars you regularly enjoy at a discounted price from Cigars International.
Cigars International Weekly Deal
You can enjoy epic savings by shopping their weekly specials. Cigars International, with their weekly deals, offers enormous discounts, up to 60% off, on a wide range of cigar brands.
Cigars International Clearance Sale
If you are in the mood to save big, Cigars International clearance sale is your best option. You would be able to save up to 90% off hundreds of cigars, samplers, and more.
Cigars International Weekend Spotlight
Visit the weekend spotlight page to shop for qualifying boxes of cigars equipped with discounts up to 30% or even more, plus free shipping and gifts such as free samplers.
Joe’s Daily Deal
Cigars International takes care of your daily dose of Joe by offering discount and free shipping on select bundle or box via Joe’s daily deal.
Make me an Offer
With Make me an Offer, you name your price, and if it lies within the orbit of reasonableness, you get the premium handmade cigars at significantly low prices.
Cigars International Subscription
By signing up for Cigars International, you can get competition crushing deals and special offers straight to your inbox, which may include Cigars International promo codes, Cigars International coupon codes, Cigars International daily deals, Cigars International 1-day deals, Cigars International free shipping promotions, Cigars International weekly specials, Cigars International weekend spotlight, and more.
Return and Shipping Policy
Cigars International regularly runs free shipping deals on tons and tons of select merchandise. Otherwise, the shipping charges are calculated at the checkout depending upon the shipment method you choose. Also, in the event, you’re not satisfied with your purchase, Cigars International accepts returns for exchange, credit, or refund as long as 15 days from the receipt of your order.
Customer Service
You can reach one of their customer service professionals by submitting the online contact form, or by calling toll-free at 1-888-244-2790 from Mon-Fri 8am-10pm, Sat 9am-7pm, & Sun 9am-5pm (ET).