About eBags
eBags is the #1 online retailer of travel bags and accessories. With over 29 million bags, you can easily find your perfect travel bag companion at eBags. They sell best-in-class and top-rated luggage, backpacks, and other travel accessories from famous brand names, including, but not limited to, Samsonite, Tumi, Travelpro, American Tourister, High Sierra, JanSport, Adidas, and SwissGear. Their website has over 3 million customer reviews that you can use to take help. Moreover, you can save significant money by using their eBags coupons and promo codes.
eBags offers a wide selection of products from the world’s top brands. Whether you need a bag for work, travel, school, or gym, eBags has everything for you. Here are some of their main products and categories:
- Business & Laptop cases
- Carry-On & Spinner Luggage
- Travel & Hiking Backpacks
- School Backpacks & Kids bags
- Totes & Duffel Bags
- Underseat & Lightweight Luggage
- Hydration & Outdoor Packs
- Cross-body Bags
- Gym & Fitness Bags
- Tech Accessories, Clothing, & Shoes
- Handbags & Luggage Sets
- Rolling & Spinner Luggage
- Suitcases & Lunch Bags
- Sports & Outdoor
- All Travel Accessories
How to Save at eBags
eBags Coupons
To help further the shopping experience of their valued customers, eBags regularly offers coupons and discount codes that are a great way towards significant discounts. Check this page to find the handpicked and verified coupon codes from eBags and make your purchase(s) economical.
eBags Rewards
Join eBags Rewards program for free to unlock exclusive member-only deals and enjoy up to 10% back on every order.
eBags Email Sign-Up
Subscribe with eBags and get on the list to save 25% on your next purchase.
eBags Student Discount
Register and verify your student status to benefit from 30% student discount.
Return and Shipping Policy
eBags offers FREE shipping on all orders over $49. In the event, customers are not satisfied with the product arrived, eBags facilitates them with 30 days free return policy on unused merchandise.
Customer Service
You can chat with a customer care agent on the web via LIVE CHAT option, drop them an email, or call (Toll-Free 1-800-820-6126) Mon-Fri 7AM-7PM and Sat-Sun 8AM-4PM (MST).