About EVEN Hotels
EVEN Hotels is a leading hotel brand by IHG that focuses on providing the wellness-minded travelers the best experience away from the home. If you want to book a great spot where you can chill out as well as recharge yourself after a boring or tedious day, it’s easy with EVEN Hotels promo code. The company offers the most comfortable, natural spaces with eco-friendly and restful environment. Whether coming to visit for a longer stay or a short stopover, EVEN Hotels makes it a lot easier to keep active and rest easy, eat healthily and accomplish more every single day. Just redeem a valid EVEN Hotels coupon code and booking is made simple and frugal. The leading amenities you’ll be enjoying during your stay include best-in-class athletic studio, group classes, and in-room training zones to keep your routine; great-tasting, freshly prepared, and good-for-you foods to eat well; uncluttered spaces with modern designs, spa-inspired bathrooms, and clean color palettes to relax and refresh; and ergonomic workstations, dependable Wi-Fi, and cozy, inspiring spaces to get things done. A great thing about EVEN Hotels is that you can make reservations for groups and events as well. You can use an EVEN Hotels discount code to book an amazing social experience, business meeting, or anything that connects you. We’re your true online source for the most recent and verified EVEN Hotels coupons & discount codes 2024 so you can visit and grab an active code anytime.
EVEN Hotels offers wellness lifestyle hotels in North America and the Asia Pacific regions. If you’re a wellness-minded traveler, EVEN Hotels has you covered. Below are the leading destinations where their hotels are located:
- Times Square South NYC
- Midtown East NYC
- Omaha, NE
- Brooklyn, NY
- Rockville, MD
- Norwalk, CT
- Sarasota, FL
- Eugene, OR
- Seattle, WA
- Miami, FL
- Pittsburgh, PA
- Alpharetta, GA
- Ann Arbor, MI
How to Save at EVEN Hotels
EVEN Hotels Promo Codes
Use EVEN Hotels promo code 2024 to stay healthier and happier without spending a fortune. Check out CatchPromos to choose from a plethora of the best and verified EVEN Hotels discount codes & coupons.
EVEN Hotels Offers
Make your smart stays economical with great discounts through EVEN Hotels special offers, IHG offers, and IHG Rewards Club offers. Browse this page to grab the latest EVEN Hotels promotions and discount deals. Plus, there are special rate preferences to help you save on money, such as AAA/CAA rate, club intercontinental rate, entertainment card, government/military rate, reward nights, and senior discount.
Cancellation and Refund Policy
Hotels carry a variety of cancellation deadlines. A typical cancellation deadline, for most hotels, would be the day prior to arrival. However, keep in mind that sometimes the cancellation deadline can be further in advance based on special events and other demographic factors. Also, some rates may have different cancellation policies; check the cancellation policy on the rate selected for details. If you require additional assistance, you may contact the hotel directly for more details.
Customer Service
Click the “Need Help?” to type your questions and get help from a virtual assistant. If you want to speak to live chat agent, type in the live chat so the virtual assistant can connect you with a live representative. Further, you can also speak directly to the EVEN Hotels customer service team by calling at 1-855-914-1700.