About Extended Stay America
Extended Stay America owns and operates one of the largest chains of extended-stay hotels for every need. The company offers rooms and suites that include various amenities such as coffee bars, meeting rooms, fitness centers, and swimming pools. Each of their suites offers free Wi-Fi, a fully-equipped kitchen, free grab-and-go breakfast, on-site laundry, and more. So, whether you are a savvy business traveler and looking for a temporary stay, or you are a leisure traveler who is looking to plan a long-term gateway, Extended Stay America is the best, affordable hotel choice for you. You can use Extended Stay America promo code 2024 and Extended Stay America coupons to make your next stay economical.
Extended Stay America offers hotel rooms and suites for short-term, weekly, monthly stays, and more. Their popular destinations include:
- Washington, D.C.
- Chicago
- Los Angeles
- Miami / Ft. Lauderdale
- New York
- Houston
- San Francisco
How to Save at Extended Stay America
Extended Stay America Promo Codes 2024
With Extended Stay America discount codes, Extended Stay America promo code 40 off, and 50% off Extended Stay America coupons, customers enjoy significant discounts on booking their travel destination. Use a handpicked Extended Stay America promo code 2024 today and save extra money during their checkout process.
Extended Perks Rewards Program
Join their rewards program today and save 20% off your next stay, 1-6 nights. With this program, the rewards members save up to $2500 annually.
Best Rate Guarantee
With the best rate guarantee program, if you find a lower nightly rate elsewhere, Extended Stay America will not only honor that price but will give you an additional 10% off your rate.
Specials & Promotions
Checkout, the specials and promotions page, to find out a number of ways you can save extra money such as 10% off advanced purchase, free kids stay deals, savings for seniors and much more.
Weekly Deals
Sign-up for exclusive weekly deals and enjoy 10% off your next Extended Stay America reservation. You would also receive updates about Extended Stay America promo codes and other exclusive savings.
Last-Minutes Hotel Deals
Visit this page to find out limited-time hot deals on select hotels. You are sure to save money on your reservations.
Customer Service
You can contact their customer support staff by filling out the Contact Us form over the web. For reservation assistance, you can also reach them through their toll-free number 1-800-804-3724. For guest relations inquiries, call at 1-877-651-2124.