About Fandango
Fandango is home to all things movies. The company operates as a concierge website for tens of millions of moviegoers throughout the US, letting them find and buy tickets as well as share their passion and love for movies in an engaging way. They inform, guide, and entertain film fans with must-see movie clips and trailers, original content and expert commentary, celebrity interviews and insider news, reviews and ratings, theater location information, showtimes, and ticketing. With all the information on theatre movie times, trailers, and what’s trending, Fandango makes it quick and easy for consumers to buy the right movie tickets in advance, with the right time and right location to see it. And the best part, Fandango promo codes or coupons are offered that make the ticket buying process easy and cheap.
With more than 26,000 screens nationwide, Fandango is the leading moviegoer destination in the United States. Their services are mainly distributed in the following categories:
- Movies
- Movie Times + Tickets
- Movie News
How to Save at Fandango
Fandango Coupon Codes
Buying movie tickets with Fandango discount codes or coupons makes the process much cheaper. Checkout CatchPromos to find one of the best and handpicked Fandango coupons and purchase your next movie ticket for less money.
Fandango Special Offers
Visit the Offers section on Fandango website to find out all special –often exclusive- Fandango offers happening right now. You’ll get access to Fandango VIP offers, Fandango retail offers, Fandangonow offers, and Fandangonow promo codes for new and upcoming movies. You may also find free movie tickets.
Fandango VIP
Join Fandango VIP for free to become a Fandango VIP and enjoy great discounts and member-exclusive perks including reward points for every Fandango purchase, easy returns or exchanges, free music and movie downloads, special Fandango gifts, and more.
Fandango FanMail
Sign-up for their FanMail and get updates on all movie-related content as well as promotional offers which may include Fandango coupon codes, Fandango promo codes, Fandango discount codes, Fandango discount deals, and more.
Return and Shipping Policy
Since Fandango offers online ticketing service, therefore shipping is not applicable. However, you may request a refund or exchange your Fandango purchase up until the posted show time.
Customer Service
You can contact a Fandango customer support team member by filling out the Contact Us form given on their site. To contact directly, you can call at 866-857-5191.