About Heaven Gifts
Founded in 2007, Heaven Gifts is the largest and most trustworthy online shop for electronic cigarettes and electronic cigarette accessories. The company offers a limitless selection of high-quality electronic cigarettes, e-liquids, starter kits, batteries, atomizers, and other related e-cig accessories at the lowest possible prices. Heaven Gifts represents the finest, famous e-cig brands in the industry: Aspire, Joyetech, WISMEC, Eleaf, KangerTech, Asmodus, IJOY, SMOK, Vaporesso, USALT, VapeOnly, Innokin, Flavour Shot, and GeekVape, to name a few. Heaven Gifts takes pride in outstanding selections, right pricing, fast delivery, and excellent customer service. The cherry on top is that Heaven Gifts offers various Heaven Gifts promo codes and Heaven Gifts coupon codes that help the customers buy good quality e-cigarettes, e-liquid, and e-cig accessories at the best prices. Check out CatchPromos to grab some handpicked Heaven Gifts discount codes or coupons to make your next Heaven Gifts purchase for less.
Heaven Gifts is the world’s no.1 vape distributor over the web, providing the highest quality e-cigarettes, e-juices, and other accessories from the best brands on the market at low prices. Their products are exported to all across the globe, including USA, UK, Canada, France, Germany, Netherlands, and more. Moreover, the widest selections of products are distributed in the following main categories:
- Brands
- Kit
- Battery / MOD
- Cartomizer / Tank
- E-liquid / E-Juice
- Accessory
How to Save at Heaven Gifts
Heaven Gifts Coupon Codes
Heaven Gifts almost always offers various Heaven Gifts coupons or discount codes, enabling their loyal customers to enjoy hefty dollar-off and percentage-off savings. With CatchPromos, choose one of the best and verified Heaven Gifts coupon codes to apply at Heaven Gifts and start saving extra money.
Heaven Gifts Clearance Sale
Heaven Gifts sells a wide selection of kits, batteries and MODs, cartomizers and tanks, and other e-cig accessories at the sale prices. Visit the clearance sales on the homepage of their site to find such sale merchandise and save on money.
Heaven Gifts Discount & Points
You can leave a review/evaluation of their products and services on forums, blogs, and YouTube to earn 10 points or 15 points. You can even get double bonus points, 3x bonus points, or more bonus events during some special periods like a public holiday. These points will help you enjoy discounts toward your future purchases such as exchanging them for gifts.
Heaven Gifts Referral Program
You can join their referral program and share your referral link to your friends to start earning a commission. Every new user who creates an account using your referral link is recorded as your referee under the commission section of your account and you start commission against the purchases of each referee.
Return and Shipping Policy
Heaven Gifts doesn’t offer free shipping, however, you may get Heaven Gifts free shipping coupon code in some circumstances. The shipping cost is normally calculated based on the weight of your order and destination. Moreover, all of their products are backed up by 7 days money-back guarantee, excluding e-juices, prefilled cartridges, and all clearance merchandise. While some products like batteries and MODs are covered by 3 or 6 months warranty.
Customer Service
Heaven Gifts prides themselves in providing the world-class customer service. You can contact a Heaven Gifts customer service representative by using online chat service or sending an email to service@heavengifts.com or calling at 0086-15001918732. The customer service team remains available from 9am-6pm, CST, Monday through Friday.