About JR Cigars
JR Cigars is the largest cigar retailer across the globe. Whether you are a cigar novice or an expert, JR Cigars is the place that will serve you the best with its massive range of cigars. JR Cigars covers your all smoking needs from cigars to vaping supplies. With its extensive selection, best quality, freshness, quick delivery, and the lowest possible prices, you are certainly going to hit the best shopping experience at JR Cigars. To help further the smoking experience of the customers, JR Cigars also offers numerous discounts & JR Cigars free shipping code and promo deals. Make use of the below-found JR Cigars promo code 2024, JR Cigars coupon 30 off (exclusive), JR Cigars coupon 15 off, $10 off JR Cigars and more promo codes to save extra money on your next cigar purchases.
The limitless products category of JR Cigars includes Cigars, Samplers, Vapes & E-Cigs, Pipe Tobacco, and Accessories. You can easily find the best machine-made cigars, handmade cigars, filtered cigars, flavored cigars, premium cigars, boutique cigars, samplers, pipes & pipe tobacco, pipe tools, e-cigs & e-liquids, and other accessories such as lighters, cutters, humidors, ashtrays and much more. You can purchase smokes from the top cigar brands such as Montecristo, Romeo y Julieta, Macanudo, Rocky Patel, Gurkha, Dutch Masters, Cohiba, Arturo Fuente, Tatuaje, La Gloria Cubana, H. Upmann, Acid Cigars, and many more. All in all, JR Cigars is the best one-stop shop for your cigars and vaping supplies, from mellow to full-bodied ones.
How to Save at JR Cigars
JR Cigars Promo Codes October 2024
JR Cigars promo code 2024 and JR Cigars coupons 2024 are a great way to hit the lowest prices and save extra money on your next cigar purchases. Check out the below-mentioned JR Cigars coupon 15 off and JR Cigars promo code 30% off (exclusive) when going to shop your smokes at the cheapest rates and exclusive discounts.
JR Cigars Deals Section
Check the JR Cigars deals section for the latest online cigars deals and experience new flavors and fun accessories at unbeatable low prices.
JR Cigars Spring Deals 2023
Catch all the best JR Cigars Spring deals & specials, JR Cigars promo codes & coupons 2024, JR Cigars free shipping code, and JR Cigars sales & promotions mentioned on this page for your convenience. JR Cigars, every year, comes up with lots of amazing Spring cigar deals & sales online on top-selling brands like Montecristo, Romeo y Julieta, ACID, Macanudo, Partagas, Drew Estate, My Father, and so much more. You’ll save up to 60% or more on cigars bundles, humidors, samplers, cigar lighters, cigar cutters, cases, and other accessories. Gift the one you love with perfect cigar samplers this Spring with JR Cigars Spring cigars deals. Or surprise that special someone with some of finest cigar lighters such as Xikar lighters or Colibri lighters through JR Cigars Spring lighters deals. With the JR Cigars promo code 30 off, JR Cigars coupon 15 off, and JR Cigars Spring sales & discounts, the options are endless. Check here at CatchPromos for any and all Spring cigar deals 2024 and cigar free shipping Spring deals & offers 2024 from JR Cigars.
JR Price Match Guarantee
With the JR price match guarantee, eligible purchasers enjoy a price match when they find a lower advertised price from any of the competitors.
Email Subscription
Signing up with JR Cigars emails will get you the updates about weekly specials, free shipping, and member-only exclusives.
My Auctions
JR Cigars runs three distinct auctions on a daily basis and offers you the one-of-a-kind opportunity to bid and discover your favorite brands at discounted rates.
Return and Shipping Policy
At JR Cigars, items can be returned or exchanged within the 30 days of purchase. However, the products are shipped either through UPS or USPS at affordable rates. There is also JR Plus membership program that includes FREE shipping on all orders for the whole year. They also provide an Auto Ship facility to JR customers, with no extra charge on your cigar purchases.
Customer Service
You can LIVE CHAT over the web, drop an email (customerservice@jrcigars.com), or use Web Site Customer Service (1-888-574-3576) from Mon-Fri 8:00am-8: 00pm EST & Sat-Sun 9:00am-5:00pm in case of any query. Moreover, you can place your orders over the phone (1-800-572-4427) in the pre-mentioned timings or through fax (1-800-457-3299) 24/7.