About JustFlowers
Founded in 1996, JustFlowers is a leading online store offering floral supplies and gift baskets worldwide at discount prices. They offer premium quality roses, daisies, fruit baskets, chocolates, cookies, and green plants for every special occasion and event including birthday, anniversary, thank you, congratulations, get well, wedding, new baby, love, just because, and many more. So, if you are looking to purchase floral arrangements and gifts for any occasion, JustFlowers is a must. Plus, using JustFlowers promo codes and coupons would you save extra money on your purchases.
With more than 20 years of experience, JustFlowers is committed to providing the finest gifts and floral arrangements at affordable prices. Their main product categories include:
- Flowers
- Roses
- Gift Baskets
- Plants
- Birthday
- Sympathy
- Occasions
How to Save at JustFlowers
JustFlowers Coupon Codes
JustFlowers offers various online promo codes and discount coupons to help the shoppers make their purchases at a low. Grab a handpicked JustFlowers coupon today and buy your desired floral supplies for less.
Return and Shipping Policy
The orders placed by 3 pm in the time zone of a particular recipient are shipped the same day, from Monday through Friday. Also, if not satisfied with the purchase, JustFlowers gladly exchanges the products within 7 days of the delivery.
Customer Service
To contact their dedicated customer care professionals, drop an email to service@JustFlowers.com, send a fax (800-854-9647) or call at 800-715-2215. Their customer service staff is hard at work with customers and florists so you can expect longer phone hold times than normal.