Born in 2007, KEETSA is an authorized bedding retailer that specializes in eco-friendly mattresses. They design the most comfortable, durable, and affordable mattresses for every type of sleeper. The mattresses line of product includes The KEETSA Plus, The KEETSA Pillow Plus, The KEETSA Cloud, Tea Leaf Supreme, Tea Leaf Classic, and Tea Leaf Dream. In addition to mattresses, the company also offers other sleep products such as pillows, comfort layers, bed frames, and more. Furthermore, KEETSA offers various promo codes and coupons so that anyone can buy their desired bedding products at a low.
KEETSA offers premium quality, sustainable bedding products at affordable prices. Their main categories include:
- Mattresses
- Bed Frames
- Comfort Layers
- Pillows
- Protectors & Bedding
- Bedroom Basic Bundle
- Giving Kandle
- Pet Products
How to Save at KEETSA
KEETSA Coupon Codes
With KEETSA coupons and discount codes, customers enjoy significant savings on buying their needed sleep products. Use a handpicked KEETSA coupon today and see how much money you can save during their checkout process.
KEETSA Warranty
KEETSA offers 12-years warranty on mattresses and 5-years warranty on pillows, comfort layers, bed frame foundations, and pet products.
Return and Shipping Policy
KEETSA offers FREE shipping to 48 Continental United States and most areas in Canada. Also, KEETSA provides their customers with a full 90 days return privilege from the purchase date.
Customer Service
For service inquiry, you can contact the KEETSA customer care professionals by emailing to contactus@KEETSA.com or calling at 1-877-753-3872.