About Misfit
Founded in 2011, Misfit is a leading retailer of wearable and smart home products. The company offers activity trackers, sleep monitors, fitness notebooks, sports bands, athletic apparel, sports necklaces, and many more. The products include Misfit Vapor, Misfit Command, Misfit Path, Misfit Ray, Misfit Shine 2, Swarovski Activity Crystal, batteries, Misfit gear, and more. With plenty of innovative wearable products and devices, Misfit is the finest choice for your wellness and fashion needs. Plus, you can use Misfit promo codes and discount coupons to make your purchases economical.
Misfit primarily includes the following categories:
- Smart Watches
- Fitness Trackers
- Accessories
How to Save at Misfit
Misfit Coupon Codes
Misfit offers many online coupons and discount codes that help the customers enjoy various discount deals such as dollar-off, percentage-off, and free shipping. Use one of the handpicked and verified Misfit coupon today and buy your next health and fitness product at a low.
Misfit Sale
Misfit sale-offers carry savings up to 50% off on many products and accessories. Visit the sale page on their website to see the Misfit products available at sale prices.
Misfit Email Sign-up
Subscribe to the Misfit’s email newsletter to get exclusive updates about promotional offers such as Misfit promo codes, Misfit coupon codes, Misfit discount codes, and more.
Return and Shipping Policy
Misfit offers FREE shipping on all orders. If for whatever reasons you’re not 100% satisfied with your delivered merchandise, you can return it for a refund within 90 days from the original purchase date.
Customer Service
You can contact the Misfit support team members via Live Chat or phone (1-855-322-6469) from Mon-Fri 8am-7pm & Sat 9:30-6pm, CST. The contact-us form is another option that you can use on their site to reach them.