About Prestigia
Launched in 2005, Prestigia is a leading online travel agency. The company offers luxury hotels, boutique hotels, design hotels, resorts, lodges, and private villas located in the most luxurious destinations around the world: Paris, Rome, London, Barcelona, Madrid, Marrakech, New York, Miami, Buenos Aires, Dubai, Mexico City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Hawaii, and many, many more. With a selection of thousands of hotels, Prestigia is committed to providing the best price guarantee as well as exclusive promotions all year round, such as Prestigia promo codes or Prestigia coupon codes.
Prestigia is an online hotel booking platform that offers a wide selection of luxury, design, and boutique hotels at the lowest possible prices. The company provides handpicked hotels in the following main regions of the world:
- South America
- North America
- Europe
- Africa
- Asia
- Oceania
At Prestigia, you can book hotels by star rating such as 5 Stars, 4 Stars, and 3 Stars. Their accommodations mainly combine the following amenities:
- Swimming Pool
- Restaurant
- Parking
- Golf
- Jacuzzi
- Spa
- Sauna
- Massage
- Internet Wifi
- Gym
- Beach View
- Private Beach
- Babysitting
- Disabled Access
- Casino
- Eco-Friendly Hotel
- Breakfast
How to Save at Prestigia
Prestigia Coupon Codes
Prestigia regularly offers various discount deals and promotions, via Prestigia coupon codes or Prestigia discount codes, to help the customers save money on their bookings. Choose one of the best and verified Prestigia coupons provided by CatchPromos, and make your next dream reservation at a low.
Prestigia Offers
Check out the Offers page on their site to discover the most current special offers from across all the destinations. With the Prestigia special offers, you may avail up to 50% discount on your purchases.
Prestigia Sign Up
Just by signing up for Prestigia, you can get exclusive promotions which may include: Prestigia promo codes, Prestigia coupon codes, Prestigia sale offers, and Prestigia discount codes.
Return and Shipping Policy
Since booking confirmations are sent via email, shipping is not applicable to their services. However, you can cancel your reservations subject to some cancellation fee which is defined by the cancellation policy of that particular hotel.
Customer Service
Prestigia provides class-leading customer service that stays at your service 7 days a week, from 9am-8pm, GMT. You can reach out to one of their customer service agents by sending an email to reservations@Prestigia.com or by calling at +1-201-830-1902 (USA).