About Serious Cigars
Founded in 1997, Serious Cigars is a well-renowned retailer of cigars and cigar accessories at the most competitive prices. The company sells a large selection of premium handmade cigars such as Rocky Patel, Macanudo, Romeo y Julieta, and Oliva; machine-made cigars like Backwoods, Cherokee Filtered, and Dutch Masters; flavored cigars including ACID, AJ Fernandez San Lotano Habano, and Aging Room; filtered cigars such as Captain Black, Phillies, Santa Fe, and King Edward; as well as cigar samplers, humidors, lighters, cutters, humidification devices, cases, ashtrays, and more. The company is dedicated to offering the finest collection of both the newest and most sought-after cigars and cigar accessories at the best prices. Plus, the company offers regular promotions and deals with Serious Cigars coupons and Serious Cigars promo codes, helping customers to get the desired brands and products they love to smoke without spending too much money. Check out CatchPromos to take advantage of the ongoing Serious Cigar promo codes, deals, and promotions so that you can always score the best discounts.
Serious Cigars is one of the finest online cigar stores, offering a wide selection of premium quality cigars and cigar accessories at the lowest prices. Their products are mainly categorized as:
- Handmade Cigars
- Machine Made Cigars
- Flavored Cigars
- Filtered Cigars
- Cigarillos
- 5 Packs
- Samplers
- Humidors
Following is a list of some of the popular cigar brands featured at Serious Cigars:
- Romeo y Julieta
- Aging Room
- Don Diego
- Gispert
- Montecristo
- Ashton
- Gurkha
- Drew Estate
- La For Dominicana
- Gran Habano
- RoMa Craft
- Foundation
- Padron
- Oliva
- Cohiba
- Arturo Fuente
- Illusion
How to Save at Serious Cigars
Serious Cigars Promo Codes
Serious Cigars coupons or promo codes are one of the finest ways to buy premium boutique cigars, cigar bundles, 5 packs, or accessories like cigar lighters and cutters without paying the full price. With CatchPromos, choose one of the best and verified Serious Cigars promo codes now and make your next Serious Cigars purchase for less money.
Serious Cigars Deals
Serious Cigars offers a variety of great deals on a wide selection of products and brands. There are regular promotions and cigar deals on brands like Cohiba, Montecristo, Oliva, Flor de Oliva, Macanudo, Romeo y Julieta, and many more. Check back CatchPromos repeatedly to catch all the latest Serious Cigars deals & promotions without missing a single deal.
Serious Cigars Email Sign Up
Sign up for the Serious Cigars email newsletter to receive $5 off Serious Cigars email sign up coupon as well as to get updates on weekly specials which may include Serious Cigars deals, Serious Cigars promo codes & discount codes, Serious Cigars free shipping promotions, and more.
Return and Shipping Policy
Serious Cigars ships the same day all orders placed by 3pm, ET, Monday through Saturday. Variety of shipping options are available with shipping starting at $6.99. Moreover, you may enjoy free deliveries with Serious Cigars free shipping codes/promotions, like the company is now offering free shipping on all orders of $150 or above, excluding machine made cigars. If for whatever reason you are ever dissatisfied with any cigar, it can be returnable to Serious Cigars for an exchange or refund credit within 30 days of purchase.
Customer Service
Serious Cigars strives to offer the best possible customer service to the customers so that everyone has a convenient shopping experience. For any questions, issues, or inquiries regarding your orders such as product information, order status, and return and exchanges, you can contact the friendly Serious Cigars customer service team by sending an email to customerservice@seriouscigars.com, leaving your message via online “help desk” form, or calling at 1-866-372-4427 between 8am to 8pm, EST, Monday through Friday & 9am to 5pm, EST, Saturday through Sunday.