About TigerDirect
TigerDirect is the most trusted online source for computer-related products, electronics, and networking needs. The company is also a leader in providing business solutions to small and medium, as well as large organizations. At TigerDirect, customers enjoy the lowest prices in the industry along with secure ordering and fast shipping. Plus, TigerDirect offers many promos and coupon codes that make their prices on PC-products, software, and networking solutions even lower.
TigerDirect offers a limitless selection of products in the following categories:
- Computers
- Apple Products
- Peripherals & Accessories
- Components & Storage
- Power
- Printers & Scanners
- Monitors & Projectors
- Networking
- Software
- Telephones & Communications
- Office & Business
- Consumer Electronics
- Business Solutions
How to Save at TigerDirect
TigerDirect Coupon Codes
Though TigerDirect customers enjoy the lowest industry prices, the TigerDirect promos and coupon codes enable them to save huge money on their already discounted products. Use one of the best TigerDirect coupon code today and make your purchase economical.
TigerDirect Email Deal Alerts
Sign up today to get exclusive insider deals and promotions delivered to your inbox, including, TigerDirect promo codes, TigerDirect discount codes, TigerDirect coupons, TigerDirect promotional offers, TigerDirect daily deals, TigerDirect sales, and more.
TigerDirect Daily Deal Slasher
Check the Daily Deal Slasher page on their site to find out extra-special discounts and savings on a wide selection of merchandise. With TigerDirect bonus slasher deals, customers save hundreds of dollars on every order. Moreover, the deals are offered for only one day, so you need to catch them before they disappear.
Return and Shipping Policy
TigerDirect offers FREE ground shipping on qualified PC parts products within the 48 continental United States. Otherwise, shipping charges are calculated depending upon your order total, location, and chosen shipping option. Returns are accepted within 7, 15, or 30 days, based on product type you purchased.
Customer Service
TigerDirect provides the most exceptional support to its customers. You can chat over the web or call 888-278-4437 to reach their customer service department. Another way is to leave a message by filling out the email support form.